While ADHD can affect anyone, it is particularly common in adults. Treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy, nonstimulant medications, and Methylphenidate. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients change negative thinking patterns, enabling them to face challenges and live a more fulfilling life. CBT can also help those close to the sufferer cope with stress, improve communication skills, and manage other challenges. To learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy, read on.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
ADHD affects about 13% of all adults. It is characterized by a chronic delay in executive functioning skills, which are necessary for successful task performance. Delays in executive functioning lead to symptoms such as procrastination, poor time management, impulsivity, and inconsistent motivation. Cognitive behavioral therapy for ADHD treatment for adults focuses on these delays and teaches the client how to correct them. The process helps clients identify maladaptive automatic thoughts and replace them with more appropriate ones. The therapy includes 12 sessions, each conducted once a week on weekends.
CBT is especially useful for adults with ADHD, because it addresses the “pain points” of daily life, including relationships, time management, and learning. Although CBT does not treat the core symptoms of ADHD, it can improve daily struggles and overall quality of life. Ultimately, CBT will help an adult with ADHD overcome the difficulties caused by executive functioning. It will also help them cope with stress and manage their emotions, which are common among ADHD patients.
Methylphenidate is a prescription medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It comes in two forms, an immediate-release tablet and an extended-release capsule. The immediate-release tablet delivers immediate effects, while the extended-release version slowly releases the medication over a longer period of time. Methylphenidate is FDA-approved for treating ADHD and narcolepsy, but off-label uses are common, including depression.
While methylphenidate is often prescribed as a stand-alone treatment, it is important to note that it is not a substitute for a complete ADHD treatment plan. This includes other forms of therapy, such as counseling and special education. For this reason, it is necessary to find a treatment program that includes other aspects of a patient’s life. For example, if a child has a history of depression or other co-occurring disorders, a nonstimulant drug may be prescribed.
Nonstimulant medications
The primary goal of nonstimulant medications for ADHD treatment for adults is to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve the patient’s ability to manage the difficulties he or she still experiences. Although many symptoms are untreatable with nonstimulant medications, these treatments often promote a sense of personal agency and responsibility. Cognitive therapy also involves modifying thought errors and distortions. This can be a highly effective treatment for ADHD and for comorbid conditions.
While both types of drugs can help treat ADHD in adults, some are better suited for some patients than others. Short-acting stimulants, such as amphetamines, can reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity while improving attention. Compared to long-acting stimulants, these medications take longer to take effect, but they can be tapered off quite quickly. In addition, short-acting drugs wear off after two or three hours, so they are a convenient choice for those with short-term ADHD.
The use of mindfulness as an ADHD treatment has been around for centuries. The UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center has developed a special program to help adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Buddhists, for example, practice a form of mindfulness called vipassana. Many medical and psychological disorders have been helped by mindfulness practices. Here are three reasons why mindfulness is an effective ADHD treatment. And it’s easy to use!
A number of studies have examined the use of mindfulness as an ADHD treatment. In a feasibility study, eight adults and eight adolescents participated in the program. Results showed good attendance and high satisfaction, but poorer compliance with at-home practice. Still, there’s a lot of room for improvement. In the meantime, more studies are needed to find the best ways to use mindfulness as an ADHD treatment. And if you’re thinking about trying it, consider these reasons.
Family therapy
While ADHD medications for adults are generally the same as for children, the goal of therapy is to minimize the symptoms of ADHD while optimizing the ability of the patient to deal with the remaining difficulties. While not all symptoms are treated through therapy, treatment aims to foster a sense of personal agency and responsibility in the patient. The cognitive component of therapy focuses on the modification of thought distortions and errors. This therapy may involve a combination of family therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and medication.
The focus of this type of therapy is to change the individual’s behavior, and the family can benefit as a whole. The marriage and family therapist educates the family about the child’s condition and underlying mental health diagnoses. By providing information on the patient’s symptoms, the family is better able to support the child’s progress toward recovery. As a result, the treatment may require a number of years to produce positive results.
Support groups
Adults suffering from ADHD can benefit from joining support groups to share their experiences. These groups often have peer facilitators and are ongoing, with meetings held once a month for $100. Unlike therapy groups, support groups are not designed to provide therapy. Rather, they are designed to help people deal with their ADHD in a safe and supportive environment. Listed below are some of the main reasons to attend a support group.
ADHD support groups are especially useful for college students. College students may need additional assistance learning organization and social skills. A trained counselor will lead the sessions, and they may also bring tools and resource kits to help group members deal with their own problems. These groups may be held during breaks or during the school year. Participants report that the program helps them with their studies and with their transition to a career. To join, participants must complete an intake interview with the group’s program coordinator.