Earth Day, celebrated on April 22 each year, has always been about more than just having fun and enjoying the outdoors. It’s about taking a serious look at the planet we all live on and making conscientious efforts to make it as healthy as possible for as many generations as possible. After all, we only have one Earth, so we might as well take good care of it! One way you can start living every day like Earth Day is by installing Solar Panels Melbourne on your home or business in the Melbourne area.
Improve energy efficiency
Using solar panels is an easy way to reduce your home’s energy bill and carbon footprint. There are three main types of solar technologies: photovoltaic (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and thermal. PV systems use PV panels, which convert sunlight directly into electricity. CSP uses reflectors to direct sunlight onto a receiver that heats up water or fluid that produces steam for electricity generation. Thermal collects heat from sunlight and moves it from one place to another – making hot water for your house, for example. Many factors influence your ability to generate renewable energy, including geographic location, size of the system and available tax credits.
Support solar energy and other renewable energy sources
Turning off power-sucking appliances, from cell phones to televisions, is an easy way to stop using energy. This habit can really add up over time. For example, if you leave your computer on for about 10 hours a day when you’re at work (and asleep), that can cost you $60 a year in electricity bills. Turning off your lights when not in use is another simple way to cut back on unnecessary energy consumption—here’s an easy trick: install light switches where they’ll be used most and make sure all lights are turned off when not needed. Even though it may seem insignificant now, these habits will help reduce our carbon footprint by making small changes that all add up over time.
Unplug appliances when not in use
If you’re not using it, unplug it. According to an estimate by Energy Star, plugging in television while it’s turned off can use up to 40 watts of electricity—and that number jumps to 150 watts if you have a cable box, DVD player or game console attached. That doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy every green gadget on earth, but don’t be afraid to think outside of your comfort zone: An old cell phone charger might be able to help jump-start a car battery; a heating pad set on low could help warm your home during cold winter nights. Not only will these simple changes save energy, but they’ll also keep all kinds of electronics from prematurely dying or exploding in flames because we aren’t paying attention.
If you’re not convinced, that Solar Panels Melbourne can benefit your life (and you live in a sunny climate), consider that they offer environmental, social and economic benefits. So why don’t you give them a try? For example, if you purchase a solar panel system for your home or business, and it creates enough power to offset all of your electricity usages, then every day is an earth day. And it just might feel like one too.