As you name your company, so will your business function in the future. When naming, you have to understand the general principles developed by marketers. This will help you find your audience, gain their trust and set them up for further action.
The main points when selecting a company name that you should take into account
For the best choice, you need to stick to some basics. The name should be formed with the type of business in mind, an analysis of the value you bring to your target audience. You should communicate a positive message without misleading double meaning.
Five rules of effective naming:
You must come up with a memorable company name that is easy to pronounce and understandable to your audience.
It is important that the name evoke positive emotions, be bright and sonorous, and stand out from the competition.
The brand should reflect the essence of the company, associated with its activities, goods and services.
The name has to be original.
Additional components of the brand symbolism
A symbolic image of your brand – a logo – should also be prepared for potential customers. With it, it will be easy to recognize your brand and find memorable matches. The logo should only be the property of your company, so its registration as a trademark is mandatory.
Choosing a logo is a whole lot of work. Usually entrust this function to a professional who can create recognizable elements of the logo, choose the stylistics that match the spirit of the company. Making blanks, the designer prepares a lot of sketches according to certain rules, prescribed by the marketing team. Of these, only a few are honored and one is approved as correct.
But not all companies can boast a large staff of marketers. This method requires expenditure of human resources as well as time and money. The work of a large number of employees can be replaced by using a program that creates original images with the desired symbolism. Generating a logo takes a couple of seconds, the user only needs to write some input data. Next, ready-made layouts are given for viewing, from which one single one is chosen. The uniqueness will be high, as a variety of fonts, images, additional entourage elements and a slogan are used, which you upload to the program yourself.
The online logo is easy!
Finding a company logo with the help of the program can almost any user.
Technically, you need to perform a few actions:
Write an existing slogan with which your company positions its activities, company name, type of activity.
Decide on the color background, download the basic tones.
Choose a picture that suits your company sign.
It should also be taken into account that you will get a large number of options, if you specify a few icons from the available ones. Then, the generator will give out the resulting instances, of which the most successful are chosen.
Turbologo Logo Designer
As the most effective logo generator, Turbologo Logo Builder is offered. The program is made clear to the user and has advanced capabilities to implement your idea. There is a large database of ready-made pictures, which then generates the original logo for free. The user can set many initial parameters. The program offers a printout of the logo in any form you request. This additional feature makes it easy to make promotional sheets, signs, calendars and other marketing promotion attributes.