screw piles Melbourne are a common and cost-effective way to secure into concrete. But they can be tricky to install, and some builders have been known to overdo the screws. While it’s easy to overdo the screws, it’s also not good to do so. It will cause the screws to protrude from the concrete, which not only looks ugly, but it also makes it harder for contractors to get the screw out once they’re done with the installation. How do you avoid a bad install? Follow these tips and tricks to keep your screws hidden and your subs happy.
- Plan Well
Know Your Project Before installing a screw pile, it’s important to know what you’re doing. It’s also helpful to have a plan in place before you start. If you start with a plan and good calculations, you should be able to avoid overdoing the screws on your project. When planning your installation, make sure that you consider the amount of concrete being poured, how long the screw will be exposed when installed, and whether or not there are any other factors (such as floor support) that you need to take into account.
- Use Self-Grip Screws
Self-grip screws are good for fastening into concrete. They are designed to grip the concrete, which allows them to screw in easily and securely. They also make it easier for contractors to take the screws out once they’re done with the installation.
- Make Sure Your Subs Use Self-Grip Screws
There are a few different types of screw piles. They come with nuts, which require manual installation, and self-grip screws, which secure the screws into the concrete by themselves. Self-grip screws make it much easier to install because you don’t have to worry about overdoing the screw depth. For contractors who don’t want to go through the trouble of installing self-grip screws, they have another option: use nuts. Screw on some nuts right before you start installing them so that when you need to remove the screws later on, it will be easy for contractors to do so without causing any damage.
- Use Gorilla Glue
One way to avoid overdoing the screws is to use Gorilla Glue. This type of glue helps you attach your screw piles without any problem. It not only stays put, but it also provides a thin layer of protection against water and moisture.
- Add Anchors
When screwing in a hole, it’s important to get the screws anchored. If you don’t have any anchors or there are too many screws without anchors, a contractor will have to remove the excess material. This can cause major damage and could even make the job more expensive. Don’t let this happen to you! Adding anchors will prevent contractors from having to spend time removing excess material and over-screwing.
Anchors are a must when installing screw piles Melbourne because they provide an anchor point for your screws to dig into the concrete. You need at least two anchors on each end of the pile, with one being closer than the other in order to secure each side equally. Make sure that your anchors are drilled evenly so that they distribute pressure equally on both sides of the pile during installation. ** Once your pile has been installed, use a square block of wood or timber as an anchor for your screws on each side of the pile before securing them into place with washers and nuts. These blocks should be nailed securely into place so that they don’t fall out during construction.
- Use String Trim or V Bar Fencing
String trims are great for keeping your screw piles hidden. You can use a string trim along the perimeter of where you’re installing the screw pile to keep screws hidden and unseen. V bar fencing is an excellent way to conceal a screw pile, too. It’s easy to install and doesn’t take up much space when it comes down. If you prefer an easier way to fasten your pile, you should go with the V bar fencing instead of the string trim.
Bottom line:
screw piles Melbourne are a great way to secure into concrete. They’re also easy to install, which is why they’re so popular. Unfortunately, some people like to overdo their screw piles, and the result is ugly screws everywhere. Be sure to drill pilot holes through your screw pile before fastening it in place with screws. This will help ensure that your screw pile stays put during installation