Being a Muslim, you find it your religious obligation to know everything about the customs, beliefs, and traditions. Reading the Holy Quran is the most sacred thing that you find and maintain peace in life.
Instead of reading the paper jacket book out of your busy schedule, you can refer to the Muslim Pro App to read or listen to the verses. Also, know some interesting details about the religion, numerous learnings, deeds, and more.
The life of Prophet Mohammed is best understood from the Quran itself. Every single detail about His life, journey, struggle, virtues, and more are mentioned in the sacred book.
One of the attention-grabbing detail you must know about The Mother of the Believers i.e., wives of the Prophet Mohammed. The book has a special mention of all the wives of the Prophet Mohammed in terms of their names and different stories.
Know everything from the Muslim Pro App best accessible on your smartphone for free. Still, we provide you with some synopsis of the same.
The spouses of the Prophet (r) in this life will be his wives in the following life and they are referred to deferentially as “the Mothers of the Believers”. They merit honor and appreciation befitting spouses of the Seal of the Prophets (r).
They are from his family, unadulterated and purified, great and made great, honest and made blameless of all malicious allegations that shame them. Allaah was satisfied with every one of them:
1. Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid: She was the mother of the Prophet’s youngsters as a whole, aside from Ibraaheem. She proposed union with the Prophet (r) after the demise of her two past spouses, ‘Ateeq ibn ‘Aabid and Aboo Haalah at-Tameemee.
She was 15 years older than the Prophet (r) who was just 25 at the hour of their marriage. The Prophet (r) didn’t wed any other individual until she passed on in the tenth year of his prophethood before his ascension up high (al-Mi’raaj.)
2. ‘Aa’ishah bint Abee Bakr as-Siddeeq: She was displayed to the Prophet (r) in a fantasy a few times and he was told: “This is your lady.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol. 7, p. 42, no. 57 and Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, pp. 1298-9, no. 5977.)
He wedded her in Makkah when she was six years of age and culminated the marriage in Madeenah when she had arrived at adolescence at nine years old.
She was the main virgin whom he wedded. ‘Aa’ishah was the fourth most productive storyteller of hadeeths (2,210 portrayals) among the Prophet’s Companions.
The Prophet (r) passed on as he lay his head on her lap (Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, p. 1301, no. 5986) and she passed on in the year 58AH (676 CE) at 65 years old.
3. Sawdah bint Zum’ah al-‘Aamiriyyah: He wedded many her Muslim spouse, as-Sakraan ibn ‘Amr, passed on. She kicked the bucket toward the finish of ‘Umar’s caliphate or in the year 54AH.
4. Hafsah bint ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab: He wedded a large number of her Muslim spouse, al-Khunays ibn Huthaafah, who was killed in the Battle of Uhud. She passed on in the year 41AH.
5. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah al-Hilaaliyyah: Also, known as Umm al-Masaakeen. He wedded a large number of her better half, ‘Abdullaah ibn Jahsh, who was martyred in the Battle of Uhud. She passed on in the year 4AH, after being hitched for just a brief time.
6. Umm Salamah, Hind bint Abee Umayyah al-Makhzoomiyyah: He wedded her after the demise of her better half, Aboo Salamah ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdil-Asad, from wounds incurred during the Battle of Uhud.
Umm Salamah was the primary female transient to al-Madeenah. She was among the main fifteen hadeeth storytellers among the Companions (she had 378 portrayals), and the second was generally productive of the female storytellers. Umm Salamah was the remainder of the Mothers of the Believers to bite the dust.
She passed on in 61AH (679 CE) during the rule of Yazeed ibn Mu’aawiyah.
7. Zaynab bint Jahsh al-Asadiyyah: She was the cousin of the Prophet (r). He wedded many her separation from his previous took on child and liberated slave, Zayd ibn al-Haarithah, in 5AH, and she passed on in 20AH.
8. Juwayriyyah bint al-Haarith al-Khuzaa’iyyah: He wedded a large number of her significant other, Musaafi’ ibn Safwaan or Maalik ibn Safwaan in 6AH and kicked the bucket in 56AH.
9. Umm Habeebah, Ramlah bint Abee Sufyaan: He wedded a large number of her better half, ‘Ubaydullaah ibn Jahsh, acknowledged Islaam then changed over to Christianity. She passed on in Madeenah in the year 44AH during the caliphate of her sibling, Mu’aawiyah.
10. Safiyyah bint Huyay ibn Akhtab from the Nadeer Clan: The Prophet (r) liberated her and made her opportunity her mahr, after two spouses, Salaam ibn Mashkam and Kinaanah ibn al-Haqeeq, after the victory of Khaybar in the year 6AH. She passed on in the year 50AH.
11. Maymoonah bint al-Haarith al-Hilaaliyyah: He wedded her in 7AH during the Make-up ‘Umrah, after two spouses, Ibn ‘Abd Yaaleel and Aboo Haram ibn ‘Abdil-‘Uzzaa. She kicked the bucket in the year 51AH.
These are the spouses who were isolated from him by his passing. Two of them kicked the bucket before him; Khadeejah and Zaynab bint Khuzaymah, and the excess nine were isolated from him by his demise.
There stay two spouses whom he wedded and separated without fulfilling their relationships. Therefore, the principles and benefits of the others don’t have any significant bearing on them.
12. Asmaa bint an-Nu’maan al-Kindiyyah: He separated from her as a result of a fix of white skin on her back about which he was not educated, as indicated by Ibn Is’haaq. She was subsequently hitched to al-Muhaajir ibn Abee Umayyah.
13. Umayyah bint an-Nu’maan ibn Sharaaheel al-Juwayniyyah: He separated from her since she was fooled into saying “I look for asylum in Allaah from you,” by different spouses.
Know the in-depth details about the wives of the Prophet Mohammed and other learnings from the Quran best accessible on the Muslim Pro application.