The traditional choice of institutions of parochial and private schools uniforms for school are now getting adopted by US the public school system in growing number. According to a report for 2020 the percentage in public school that have uniforms for school increased from 12% in 1999-2000 school year , to 20 percent for the year of 2017-2018. School uniforms were the most commonly required in elementary schools (23 percent) followed by middle schools (18 percent) in addition to high schools (10 10%).
Some argue that uniforms ensure that schools are safer for children and provide an “level playing field” that reduces the disparity in socioeconomic status and encourages children to concentrate on their studies more than on their attire.
School uniforms are a violation on students’ rights to be themselves and have no impact on academic and behavior and draw attention to the social and economic disparities they’re designed to hide.
Pro & Con Arguments
Pro 1
School uniforms could reduce crime and improve student security.
For Long Beach, CA, after two years of a district-wide uniform requirement, reports of battery and assault within the schools of the district decreased by 34%, assaults with weapons that could be deadly dropped to 50%. fight incidents were reduced in 51%. sexual crimes were reduced down by 74%. robberies decreased by 65%. the possession of weapons (or weapons (or “look-alikes”) decreased by 52%, and possession of drugs decreased to 69% while vandalism decreased by 18 percentage.
A years after Sparks Middle School in Nevada adopted a uniform-wearing policy, police records from the school showed an increase of 63% in logs of police reports Also, decreases were observed in gang activity and graffiti, student fights and property damage as well as battery. A peer-reviewed research study revealed that schools with uniforms were 12% safer from firearm-related incidents , and 15% fewer drug-related crimes as compared to schools with no uniforms.
School uniforms also stop students from hiding weapons beneath clothes that are too loose, making it easier to track students on field trips and makes intruders more noticeable. Frank Quatrone, superintendent in the Lodi district in New Jersey, stated that “When students are dressed identically, it makes them more secure. If someone did decide to break into an establishment, the person who was intruder is easily identifiable.”
Pro 2
School uniforms help students focus on their studies and not their clothing.
It was reported that the National Association of Secondary School Principals declared that “When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork.” A study conducted by researchers at the University of Houston found that elementary school girls’ test of their language scores increased by three percentiles after school uniforms became available.
A former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton advocated school uniforms to help students concentrate on their studies: “Take that [clothing choices] off the table and put the focus on school, not on what you’re wearing.” Chris Hammons who is the principal of Woodland Middle School in Coeur d’Alene, ID, stated that uniforms “provide for less distraction, less drama, and more of a focus on learning.”
Pro 3
School uniforms provide an equal playing field for students, which reduces bullying and pressure from peers.
If all students dress the same, competition among students over clothes as well as the bullying of students who wear cheaper or less trendy outfits is eliminated. The research conducted done by the Schoolwear Association found that 83 percent of teachers believed that “a good school uniform… could prevent bullying based on appearance or economic background.” Arminta Jacobson director and founder of the Center for Parent Education at the University of North Texas, declared that uniforms put “all students on the same level in terms of appearance. I believe it gives the students a sense of belonging and also a sense of being accepted by society.”
Pro 4
The uniforms worn by students boost school pride togetherness, unity, and spirit.
Christopher P. Clouet, former Director of the New London Public Schools in Connecticut He stated the fact that “the wearing of uniforms contributes to school pride.” A study of over 1000 Texas high school juniors showed that students wearing uniforms “reported significantly more positive perceptions of belonging in their school community than reported by students in the standard dress group.”
Arnold Goldstein, PhD, director of the Center for Research on Aggression at Syracuse University, stated that uniforms can help students who are struggling feel that they are supported by an entire group of people: “There is a sense of belonging.” A study that was peer-reviewed found that when the introduction of uniforms, “Teachers perceived an increase in the level of respect, caring, and trust… throughout the school” and also said “students are made to feel ‘important’ and as if they are a part of a team by wearing a uniform.”
Pro 5
School uniforms can increase attendance and improve discipline.
Researchers of The University of Houston found that the rate of absence for girls in high and middle school dropped by 7 percent after the introduction uniforms and that behavioral issues diminished in intensity. An Youngstown State University study of secondary schools within the eight largest districts in Ohio discovered that uniforms for school students increase attendance rates as well as graduation and suspension.
The first semester of a uniform-required program in John Adams Middle School in Albuquerque, NM, discipline referrals fell from 1,565 during the initial semester of the year before to the second semester to 405, which was a 74% reduction. Macquarie University (Australia) researchers discovered that in the schools of the globe where uniform rules are in place pupils “are more disciplined” and “listen significantly better, there are lower noise levels, and lower teaching waiting times with classes starting on time.”
Pro 6
Uniform dress codes save classes time since they are much easier to implement than a dress code.
Doris Jo Murphy, EdD the former director of Field Experiences at the University of North Texas College of Education said: “As an elementary assistant principal in two suburban districts, I can tell you that the dress code took up a great deal of my time in the area of discipline… I wished many times that we had uniforms because the issue of skirts or shorts being too short, and baggy jeans and pants on the boys not being pulled up as they needed to be, would have been a non-issue.” Lyndhurst, NJ school district superintendent Tracey Marinelli went through a similar experience prior to the uniform policy was adopted: “Kids were spending time in the office because they were not fulfilling the dress code… That was time away from class.”
Pro 7
School uniforms prohibit the wearing of gang colors or insignia.
The Department of Education’s manual on School Uniforms stated that uniforms can “prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school” in order to “encourage a safe environment.” Teachers in Long Beach Unified School District have speculated that Long Beach Unified School District have speculated that the drastic decrease in crime after the introduction of uniforms for school resulted from the reduction in gang conflict. Osceola County, FL School Board member Jay Wheeler reported that the schools of the county had an increase of 46% in the number of gang members after their first year of full-time school with uniforms for students in the K-12 grade. Wheeler declared that “clothing is an integral part of the gang the culture… Think of an U.S. Armed Forces recruiter in uniform, trying to find new soldiers. The rates of success are lower. Similar is the case with the recruitment of gangs.”
Pro 8
School uniforms can make getting ready for school much easier which improves punctuality.
In a school where uniforms are compulsory for students and parents, they do not have to think about the appropriate clothes for the school day. In a nationwide survey that found over 90 percent of US school officials believe that the uniforms and formal dress code guidelines “eliminate wardrobe battles with kids,” help make it “easier to get kids ready in the morning,” and provide a “time saving in the morning.” Tracey Marinelli, director of the Lyndhurst School District in New Jersey, credited the uniform policy of the district for decreasing the number of students that are late. Lyndhurst students Mike Morreale agreed, stating that “it’s so much easier to dress than having to search for clothes and find out that something doesn’t match.”
Pro 9
School uniforms could help parents save money.
Parents can ease their burden of financial responsibility in the event that their children are restricted to wearing one outfit each day. An analysis of the cost of uniforms within the United Kingdom found that uniforms cost parents PS88.05 ($128.79) per outfit, whereas out-of-school clothes were on average PS113.00 ($165.79).
A nationwide survey from 517 US school officials discovered that 94% of the respondents believed that “one of the main benefits to parents is that school uniforms are more cost-effective than regular apparel,” and 77% of respondents estimated the cost per year of school uniforms per student to be between $150 and $150. In the absence of uniform guidelines for schools parents could be pressured to compete with other families and purchase trendy clothing for their children.
Pro 10
Many parents and educators are in favor of uniforms for school.
A poll conducted by The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and Lands’End, the maker of uniforms, discovered that the majority of school administrators believe that their school’s uniforms or formal dress code rules have had an impact on discipline in the classroom (85 percent) and the image of the school in the local community (83 percent) and students’ safety (79 percent) and school pride (77 percent) and achievement of students (64 percent). A survey conducted in Harford County, MD school system. Harford County, MD school system revealed the following “teachers and administrators were overwhelmingly in favor” for the introduction of uniforms to schools. The poll also revealed the majority of parents would like the introduction of a uniform requirement.