The 8 Best CSS Frame Works For Front-End

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The 8 Best CSS Frame Works For Front-End

1. Bootstrap Bootstrap is an initiative of Twitter, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali one of the first to introduce responsive design on a large scale.

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1. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is an initiative of Twitter, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali one of the first to introduce responsive design on a large scale. It was the first framework to promote the “mobile first” philosophy

2. Bulma

Bulma is a relatively new player in the battlefield of CSS frameworks and has risen to prominence in a short time. Its appeal lies in a strict, CSS-only approach (with no JavaScript components) , and elegant defaults , which is a problem for many design-conscious developers who struggle when using Bootstrap.

3. UIkit

What comes to mind when thinking of UIkit is minimalism. Minimalism is not in the features but in the design. If you desire super clean and elegant designs, UIkit is the solution for you.

4. Semantic UI

Another contender in the race is Semantic which tries to stand out with lots of themes and customizations. There are over 3000 theme variables, which gives a huge breadth.

5. Materialize

If you like the design of Google Material, Materialize is a framework you will like. The best thing is that it only has a handful of components and classes to learn and it’s focus on getting your productivity up as quickly as possible. There are few customization options, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali and Materialize follows the popular 12- column grid format established by Bootstrap.

6. Pure.css

Is Yahoo dead?

No, this question is not a diversion, but highlights an important point: Yahoo built the Pure framework and is release under the BSD license.

  • A quick glance impresses me and I wonder why this offer is not known to more people.
  •  In fact, the developers have gone the extra mile and split it into different CSS modules that you can import base on your needs.
  •  So, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali if you only need the grid system, there is no need to import all of the CSS and add it to the site load time.


Milligram is a CSS framework designed for speed and productivity. The developers kept it under 2KB in size, which by today’s standards means a lot.

8. Spectre.css

Last on the list is Spectre, a lightweight (10 KB)responsive and modern front-end framework . Specter provides basic styles for typography and elements, a responsive flexbox-based layout system, pure CSS components and utilities. This MIT-licensed CSS framework uses Gulp for CSS compilation. It only includes basic modern styles.


Concrete example

You allow users of your application to create an article that will appear on your website.

  1. To do this, you make a form with a field for the title and a field for the content of the article.
  2. To allow users to have some freedom over the content of the article, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali you decide to use a Javascript code editor such as Summernote.
  3. On the PHP server side, you will therefore not be able to use a function such as htmlentities() to encode special characters since when you go to decode it on your website, you will get a bad display of the content of your article.
  4. This flaw therefore leaves room for injections and a malicious person could very well inject a Javascript script into Summernote from the element inspector.

The script could be saved in a database and would be applied each time a user visits the article in question.