Top 10 best exercises for your body
There are 10 best exercises for your body which will optimize your health. These exercises are with great knowledge to heal up every inch of your body and also called as ultimate fitness tips.
Combining with routine workout and performing this exercise twice a week will improve your muscles, endurance, and balance.
- Lunges
Lunges are one of the best exercises for your body to increase strength in your glutes and legs. Lunges are also the easiest exercise to promote every functional Movement in your body.
How to do Lunges do exercise?
- You can start this exercise by standing on your feet shoulder-width and make your arms straight down at your side.
- After that, you can step forward with the right leg and knee so that your right knee goes parallel to the ground.
- After performing right knee bending you can go back to the start position by pushing off the right foot.
- Repeating this process for 10 to 15 Steps.
- Pushups
Pushups are well-known and easiest exercises. For beginners, this type of exercise could be harder but practicing made you perform easily.
In this exercise, most of your body muscles move at the same time because of effective body weight.
How to perform Pushups
- To perform push up exercise first you have to hold your shoulder back, your code should be tied and at the last, your neck should be neutral flat at the ground.
- At this position, you have to lower your body down throw your elbows and then take it back to the first position.
- Carry on this for 10 to 15 steps daily.
- Squats
Squats are also called as a calorie-burning exercise because it will give you core strength to your lower body.
Please exercise give flexibility in your hips and lower back and relief all the pain during all workouts.
How to perform Squats?
- Squats can be performed by standing straight shoulders and feet in the same direction and fit slightly wider than the shoulder. Make your arm straight at your side.
- In this position, you have to act as you sit on your chair by pushing your hips back and keep your chin up and straight.
- Keep this process for three sets of 20 motions.
- Standing overhead dumbbell presses
dumbbell overhead exercise is one of the easiest exercises to give strength to your shoulders and other body parts.
This type of exercise needs a dumbbell of 10 pounds.
How to perform overhead dumbbell presses?
- To perform this dumbbell presses exercise you need the recommended weight of 10 pounds dumbbell.
By picking up dumbbells in arms you have to raise it overhead to make your upper arms parallel to the floor.
- Now you can push your weight to up and down by keeping your neck and head in a straight position.
- Keep this process for 10 to 15 Steps.
- Dumbbell rows
Dumbbell rows are another useful exercise to keep up your back muscles strong to pick anything. This type of exercise gives strength to multiple muscles to the back and upper body with a specific weight.
How to perform Dumbbell rows?
- You need a 10 pound of the dumbbell to perform Dumbbell rows exercise.
- You have to bend your body at the degree of 45 angles making your body position as an Arch.
- No pick up the weight and then keep your arms hanging down straight to the ground and go back position.
- The exercise you must bend your elbow and pull the weight towards your chest.
- Keep performing this exercise 15 Steps daily.
- Single-leg deadlifts
Single-leg deadlifts are one of the challenging exercises which will make your single like strong enough to pick any weight. This unique type of exercise needs a certain amount and weight of the dumbbell.
How to perform Single-leg deadlifts exercise?
- Single-leg deadlifts exercise can be performed using 10 pounds of dumbbells.
- By keeping your right leg in touch with the ground you have to bend down on your knee on the right side.
- By keeping your left leg straight to the ground you have to hang your hands in the air.
- You must keep in mind that the dumbbell weight goes down to the ground and pick dumbbell once again.
- Keep this process for 10 to 15 Steps Daily.
- Burpees
Burpees is a d super effective full-body exercise. Burpees exercise to move your body at every inch from head to toe.
- With arm down at your side stand at the same position with feet great shoulder-width.
- Like pushups exercise you have to squat down to reach the ground by making your legs straight back to the position.
- After reaching the push position you can perform up exercise by jumping on your feet.
- Perform this exercise 10 to 15 Steps.
- Side planks
Side planks are another great and useful exercise to keep your core lower back positions healthy.
How to perform Side planks exercise?
- In the first step, you have to lay down on your right side by keeping your left leg straight to the ground.
- You must keep your left leg at the top of the right it can also on foot.
- Now move your body Off The Ground by keeping shift your hip and spine to the upper position.
- Keep this process for 10 to 15 Steps daily.
Situps are one of the common exercises to keep going your shoulder lift-off to the ground and give pressure to the abdomen.
How to perform Situps exercise?
- Situps exercise can be performed by lying down on the ground and keep your head and Shoulder lifting off to the ground.
- During performing this exercise you have to keep in your mind that your feet should be strict and glued to the ground.
- Keep this exercise for 10 to 15 Steps by reaching your chest touching your legs and go back to the start position.
- Glute bridge
Glute bridge is an effective exercise that gives you hip strength and make your booty look perkier as well.
How to perform the Glute bridge?
- To perform Glute bridge exercise you have to glue your legs straight to the ground and slowly e raise your hips Off The Ground.
- While keeping shoulders straight to the ground keep this process for 15 to 10 seconds and take a pass of one or two seconds to start this exercise.