What Do Chlorophyll Supplements Do to Your Body?
Natural food supplements, which are free of artificial ingredients and other synthetic materials, offer outstanding benefits for a healthier, stronger body. Advances in pharmaceutical technology have also helped introduce new and improved products to respond to the demands of modern living. One of the most promising results of these innovations is the chlorophyll capsule.
You probably learned the term “chlorophyll” in grade school science as the pigments that give plants their colour. Chlorophyll also plays a significant role in photosynthesis, when plants and other microorganisms convert sunlight into energy and aids in metabolic functions and respiration.
Can Humans Consume Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll’s benefits to plant health and growth are undeniable, but what does this natural compound do when ingested by humans? We don’t need experiments to answer this question, since we do it every day when we include leafy greens in our meals.
Green leafy vegetables such as algae, alfalfa, wheatgrass, spinach, and herbs are rich in chlorophyll. People who don’t skip their vegetables have, whether unknowingly or consciously, enjoyed many of its health benefits.
Similarly, those who don’t include green vegetables in their diet have suffered from it. The good news is there’s an easy way to make up for it: chlorophyll supplements.
What is Chlorophyll as a Dietary Supplement?
Chlorophyll supplements can be a safe and healthy addition to a healthy meal plan. Available in different forms, they’re primarily recommended in liquid form—packaged in a soft gel capsule and stored in an insulated bottle. Unlike solid chlorophyll tablets, liquid chlorophyll in soft gel capsules can easily be absorbed by the body.
Usually, one chlorophyll capsule contains 100 milligrams of chlorophyllin. It’s recommended to take one to two soft gels a day with your meal to fully enjoy its long-term benefits.
What are the Health Benefits of Chlorophyll Soft Gels?
There are several reasons why chlorophyll soft gels have maintained their status as a highly recommended dietary supplement by herbal experts and medical professionals. Here are some of their known benefits.
Boosts Immune System and Blood Building
Chlorophyll promotes a healthier and stronger immune system. Each capsule contains a concentrated amount of the green compound, formulated to be easily absorbed into the bloodstream where it performs its most significant functions.
Chlorophyll is rich in anti-inflammatory agents. It can also reactivate depleted antioxidants that interact with and fight the free radicals that damage cells. Additionally, chlorophyll is also known as a “blood builder.” Chemically similar to haemoglobin, the plant compound not only increases the production of red blood cells but also improves their quality.
Several studies also suggest that chlorophyll helps in the prevention of cancer. Research on animals claims that the same compound reduced the incidence of stomach tumours and liver tumours. Although further studies still need to be done, these findings only amplify the growing potential of chlorophyll in helping the body respond to life-threatening diseases.
Easy Way to Clean and Detoxify the Body
Detox diets have gained popularity over the years, with varying methods and meal plans that promise internal body cleansing. Some of these include vegetable juices and smoothies with leafy vegetables. While their benefits cannot be dismissed, similar methods are not sustainable, especially because they take away the enjoyment of consuming healthy, solid, and palatable food.
Supplements and other dietary capsules are an easier and more practical alternative. A capsule or two a day provides the same benefits as a full glass of unappetizing green juice. Liquid chlorophyll helps in cleaning and detoxifying the body and boosts the liver’s ability to remove harmful toxins. It can also reduce the production of toxins and gas waste generated during digestion.
As a cleansing compound, it is also known to eliminate fungus in the body, especially when fighting and preventing yeast infections. When used externally, it also showed promising results, especially skin healing and acne prevention.
Acts as an Internal Deodoriser
Chlorophyll’s detoxifying and cleansing properties also make it an effective internal deodoriser. Its significant role in deodorising the bowel, especially in people who have undergone a colostomy, has been proven in several studies. It also naturally deodorizes stools, urine, and menstruation odours.
Chlorophyll is also a natural remedy for bad breath caused by internal infections, as well as smelly food, such as garlic and other spices.
Helps in Improving Intestinal Health
As already suggested in the sections above, the intestines may be one of the major organs that greatly benefit from chlorophyll supplements. This wonder compound binds amino acids in the intestines, a process that maintains the integrity and mucosal mass of the organ. In turn, it provides a healthy environment for good bacteria and other beneficial microorganisms that grow in the gut.
More importantly, chlorophyll also doubles as an antimicrobial agent that fights harmful bacteria and supports beneficial microbiota. The resulting healthy microbiomes allow the body to properly absorb its needed nutrients.
Planning to Get Your First Bottle of Chlorophyll Capsules?
The health advantages of chlorophyll supplements can help you get closer to your health goals, but make sure that you’re sourcing your capsules from trusted brands. There is an extensive list of companies in the market today. Before choosing one over the other, it’s best to do your research, consult reviews, and read more about the manufacturer.
More importantly, if you want to fully enjoy their benefits, keep in mind that you also need to observe proper diet and exercise. As a supplement, it is there as a complementary factor that enhances the effects of a good diet and healthy lifestyle. It should not be considered a replacement for healthy meals and regular exercise.