Nowadays, it seems like everyone is thinking about losing weight. One of the best answers to this problem is a balanced diet. In addition, frequent exercise is beneficial. While some weight can be lost using these techniques, some stubborn fat deposits are unaffected by our efforts. One of the best techniques for treating such stubborn fat deposits is laser liposuction in Dubai. Localized fat deposits are melted and eliminated using a small surgical and minimally invasive procedure.
A body-contouring operation known as liposculpture or suction lipectomy removes stubborn fat that resists diet and exercise. A surgeon eliminates resistant fat from numerous body parts during this cosmetic procedure. Though liposuction only helps remove fat from the subcutaneous area, it is essential to note that it is not a weight-loss operation.
The goal of the Process
The best liposuction in Dubai seeks to:
- assist patients in losing weight so they may regain their sharp body shapes and be relieved of the pressure and tension that comes with being overweight
What Qualifies A Good Liposuction Candidate?
If you meet these requirements, liposuction may be an option for you.
- The percentage of your body weight over your optimal weight is no more than 30%.
- You have a good muscle tone and a firm, elastic skin surface.
- You have no severe or life-threatening conditions and are generally healthy.
- Neither of you smokes.
- You are expecting the procedure to go as planned.
Goals of Liposuction Surgery for Fat Removal
Liposuction primarily alters and enhances body shapes on an aesthetic level. Because the treated areas have had their fat cells permanently removed, even if you gain weight in the future, you won’t develop further fat deposits there. In these situations, however, the untreated areas may experience more pronounced fat bulges.
Liposuction Targeted Areas
The following bodily parts benefit from liposuction’s ability to remove subcutaneous fat.
- Back
- Abdomen
- lateral knees
- breasts and the chest
- Flanks
- the butt cheeks and buttocks
- The Area Between the Inner and Outer Thighs
- higher arms
- places around the neck and the chin
What should a patient do to get ready for liposuction surgery?
The procedures required to get ready for liposuction surgery are listed below.
- Your doctor will perform certain examinations and check your health to see if liposuction is right for you.
- They might modify the medications you already use or prescribe new ones.
- The doctor will most likely tell you to quit smoking.
- Anti-inflammatory medications and herbal supplements are prohibited since they can thin the blood.
How is the procedure for liposuction carried out?
The following steps make up a typical liposuction treatment.
- The anaesthesia specialist will first inject an anaesthetic solution to make the surgical procedure painless. Your choices or other needs will determine the type of anaesthetic. To facilitate the quick and simple removal of fat cells, they typically inject a combination of local anaesthetic and a medication solution.
- In the second phase, the surgeon makes very small incisions in the treatment area and inserts a cannula, or a thin, hollow tube, into the subcutaneous tissue. To release the fat cells you want to remove, doctors will slide the tube that has been placed back and forth.
- Afterwards, the surgeon will use a syringe connected to a cannula or vacuum equipment to suction out the displaced fat cells.
- Large areas may require multiple incisions for treatment. The contour’s shape is determined by the direction in which the cannula and suction pump are inserted.
- Your doctor may plan a follow-up appointment a few days after fat removal to install tiny drainage tubes in the areas where fat was removed, allowing fluids and blood to drain away.
- Temporary swelling and fluid retention occur after the liposuction operation but usually, go away within a few days. Your physician could suggest that you wear compression clothing during that time. After you’ve healed, your body will look much better.
Techniques for Liposuction
Liposuction mainly refers to the fundamental procedure of sucking fat cells from the subcutaneous region to shape a body part. Your doctor may use one of several alternative technologies to attain particular benefits. Let’s quickly review the most common liposuction procedures.
Liposuction that is tumescent
The most popular kind of liposuction is tumescent or conventional. Before the surgeon continues with the rest of the procedure, fluid is injected chiefly to dissolve or release fat cells. Local anaesthetic, salt solution, and an epinephrine-based medication to constrict blood vessels make up this medicated fluid. Epinephrine stops bleeding, swelling and bruising, while local anaesthetic makes the procedure painless and helps loosen fat cells.
Liposuction With Laser Assist
This liposuction method uses laser radiation to liquefy unwanted fat cells, as the name implies. This procedure, which is frequently done under local anaesthesia, is safe for the majority of individuals to receive. The surgeon numbs the treatment region and performs tiny incisions after injecting the local anaesthetic solution. In step 2 they put a tool with a laser-lit tip into the incisions. This tip uses laser energy to melt the fat that won’t budge, and then a vacuum device removes the melted fat.
Vader liposuction
Vaser liposuction sometimes referred to as lipoplasty, intensifies sound energy vibrations to disintegrate fat cells beneath the skin. This procedure simply modifies traditional liposuction. Tumescent fluid is injected into the treatment area before the surgeon inserts an ultrasonic probe beneath the skin to produce sound waves. Once the connection between fat cells has been severed, the surgeon inserts a suction device to remove fat deposits.
Liposuction using body-jet
With this method, the doctor makes tiny incisions in places of the body that are difficult to see, like the belly button and groyne. Tumescent fluid is injected into the fat cells using a tiny tube. The surgeon then places tiny cannulas into those incisions. These cannulas have a tip that sprays a saline solution. To help break down the bond between fat cells and make elimination straightforward, saline is sprayed in pulses.
Liposuction and J-Plasma
J-plasma and liposuction can be combined to dramatically enhance body contouring. This procedure involves liposuction to remove excess fat, then J-plasma, in which the surgeon places a device beneath the skin to administer cold plasma. By tightening strained tissues, the plasma energy pulls loose skin into place.
Liposuction risks
Surgery has hazards, and liposuction is no exception. If you receive this therapy from a qualified surgeon and adhere to their aftercare recommendations, these dangers are typically avoidable.
Occasionally occurring dangers linked to liposuction include:
- buildup of fat
- Infection
- Numbness
- obese embolism
- Errors in the contour
Make a consultation
To reshape the body, liposuction is a fast and effective treatment. The surgeon doing this operation needs to be highly competent. At Dynamic Clinic, our best dermatologists may perform liposuction and other cosmetic surgery in Dubai to help you look your best.