The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make in Crypto Earning Games


The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make in Crypto Earning Games

The crypto earning games industry has seen enormous growth in the past year. Yet, many new players are still making common mistakes that cost them tim

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The crypto earning games industry has seen enormous growth in the past year. Yet, many new players are still making common mistakes that cost them time and money in the long run. That’s why we’ve created this list of the five biggest mistakes people make in crypto earning games and how to avoid them so you can start playing more smartly and earning more effectively from day one.

1) Not paying attention to game mechanics

While some games are a fun way to pass time and earn some cryptocurrency, most do not pay attention to important game mechanics that can affect how much money you earn. If you want to play earning games as a way to supplement your income, be sure to pay attention to time is money type mechanics. Time-based earning games, also known as timers or Pigouvian Tax mechanisms,(are based on the economic concept of adding a cost to something that produces negative social consequences). These earn more money for you but require more work upfront. While they pay off, they require heavy amounts of time investment and can cause frustration with players who don’t have enough free time for these types of games.

2) Relying on auto-play instead of strategizing

Auto-play is convenient, but it’s also lazy. A major mistake in crypto earning games is not paying enough attention to what you’re doing—and you’ll need to stay on top of things if you want to win big. Always double-check your winnings and losses before you hit “Play Again,” which will let you check for mistakes.

3) Ignoring the main objective

One of my pet peeves with crypto earning games is how many people ignore their main objective. At most, they’re aiming to complete a quest—but they haven’t bothered looking at what they’ll get if they actually succeed. Don’t make that mistake. When you’re playing a crypto earning game, take a look at what you can earn by achieving its objectives—and play accordingly! There’s nothing worse than completing an entire mission only to realize there was no reward for doing so.

4) Not learning how to use trading bots or expert advisors

As with any skill, it takes time to learn how to use trading bots or expert advisors effectively. Before jumping in and purchasing a bot or investing money into an EA, first understand what these tools are, how they work, and what you need to know before you make your purchase. Then be patient as you learn how to use it correctly.

5) Not having realistic expectations


When you’re playing a game, you’re probably expecting to be rewarded for your efforts. And even if earning cryptocurrency isn’t your main goal, it would be hard to argue that many crypto games are anything but fun and enjoyable! Of course, most gamers expect—and hope—to win big at some point. The problem is very few people have realistic expectations about what they should win at any given time. Before you start playing a crypto game, take a minute to think about how much time and effort you’re willing to invest in it. If playing casually for fun sounds like a good fit for you, then, by all means, go for it!

Wrapping Up

With any luck, you’ve learned a thing or two about how to avoid common mistakes. Always read into each casino game before you play it, and make sure that you understand how to play it; if not, don’t be afraid to ask! This will save you from unexpected surprises later on. Also, remember that with most crypto-earning games, it doesn’t matter how much money or crypto value you have—the only thing that matters is your strategy for gaming correctly and maximizing earnings. If we missed anything or if you have something to add, please let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you. To sign up with the best play and earn games, please visit the Decentral Games today.